Secure your Australian website with a security certificate

An SSL certificate stops hackers stealing sensitive customer information like phone numbers and credit cards, by encrypting data that goes to and from your website. As online security breaches become increasing common, the costs of not having robust website security can be high.

Google badges sites without an SSL certificate as “Not Secure” and penalises them in search results. If your site doesn’t have one, there’s less chance of it being found, and if it is, it’s less likely someone will buy something, or leave their contact details.

Installing an SSL certificate is quick, and from an affordable price of $199, its one of the best investments you can buy for your Australian business.

Buy an SSL certificate for your Australian website

What is HTTPS encryption?

What is HTTPS encryption?

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It’s a set of rules that enable technology devices to talk to each other securely. When you see “HTTPS” in the web browser next to a website address, it means that the website is using SSL encryption. An SSL certificate uses encryption to enable the server, where your website is hosted, to identify itself to the browser on a computer. It’s like a drivers’ license for websites.

Do you need HTTPS encryption?

Do you need HTTPS encryption?

Yes, you do. As internet traffic continues to increase, so do the number of cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks occur when hackers try and modify or steal personal information, usually with the intent of fraud or extorsion. If it should happen to your website, the costs to your brand or business can be significant.

HTTPS is the globally accepted internet security protocol 95% of all traffic that goes through Google is now HTTPS encrypted. To encourage adoption, they are penalising websites that don’t use it, by penalising their rankings in search engines.

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Can you put a price on privacy? This is one service you don’t want to scrimp on. The cost of an SSL certificate can change from provider to provider, depending on the features you wish to include. We suggest that you make decisions about security with a focus on features, accreditation and compatibility with your business needs, rather than the price. The cheapest option may be right for some but not all businesses, so tread carefully when making your choice.

Although you may have a cPanel hosting plan which includes a shared SSL certificate, this certificate will always show your web host as the owner. A dedicated GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium certificate will show your company as the owner (via the click to verify link) of the security on your site, which increases your brand’s presence and improves your customers’ trust in your website.

Depending on the browser you are using, if a site is secure, you might either see a green or a grey padlock accompanied by the ‘https’ in the site address bar. As long as the padlock hasn’t got a red strike-through or a yellow warning triangle, it means the website you are using is secure. You might notice, for example, for a given secure website, that the padlock will be green on Internet Explorer but it will be grey on Chrome. However, that doesn’t impact the security aspect of the site.

An SSL certificate can be valid for up to 1 year.

Any website that collects browsers information including credit card details, names, email addresses and other personal data should install an SSL certificate.

Firstly, the beginning of the URL will be displayed as https. You will also notice at the beginning of the address bar either a grey or green padlock. Both these padlock colours indicate the website is secure. If there is a red padlock, then the site is not secure.

HTTPS transmits its data security using an encrypted connection. A URL using HTTPS encrypts data requests and responses before sending the information. An HTTP website is not secure. HTTPS also protects traffic for mobile device users.

Yes. If you are collecting user data, such as credit card details, it is essential your website has an SSL certificate installed.

Some browsers will post a warning that a website is not secure if an SSL certificate is not installed. This will affect your search engine rankings. Users can feel safe that their credit cards details cannot be intercepted because of encryption. Customers will trust your website when they are completing transactions.